Monday, May 4, 2009

Sub explores Lake Tahoe

Tahoe Maritime Museum ( presents Submarine Exploration in Lake Tahoe by Scott Cassell, President of the Undersea Voyager Project (, May 7, 5 - 7PM. $10 with light refreshments served.

The Undersea Voyager Project’s (UVP) mission is to circumnavigate and study the Earth's oceans at depths of 100–1,000 feet utilizing human piloted submersibles. UVP will advance and communicate scientific understanding of the oceans and human impact on the marine environment to a global audience.

Hear from charismatic Scott Cassell about UVP’s first in-water activity with “Great White,” a manned submersible that will dive for 6 weeks in Lake Tahoe this summer and travel 100 miles along Lake Tahoe. Great White will perform water quality testing and will search for animal life, shipwrecks and signs of pollution. The scientists will also perform vibra-core sampling of the three earthquake faults. The Project’s findings will be broadcast to classrooms all over the world.